Welcome, and thanks for stopping by to check out our company site!
Travel has been the centerpiece of my life since I picked up my first suitcase and boarded a plane for Dubai, U.A.E. at the ripe age of six. At the age of eight, we moved to the heart of Western Europe: Belgium. For eleven years, I traveled, lived, learned, and absorbed a beautiful mix of cultures, languages, history, and food.
And yet with my overseas upbringing, my school in Belgium was ultra-American, with a heavy dose of international students. With Brussels as the business and political capital of Europe, our school was filled with kids from New York, California, Michigan, Texas, Florida, Virginia, etc. - as well as Sweden, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, France, and many other nations.
When I returned to the States, it was a bit of a culture shock at first. Yet my American roots run deep... I followed my father's path into the Marine Corps, and I have lived in the USA for thirty years, in Louisiana, Montana, California, New Jersey, and Florida. But when I am asked where is home, I guess it's on an airplane - for I love Europe and the US equally. They are both home to me - and that is what I strive to do with my company and the people I work with: make them fall in love with and feel at home in foreign places.
With knowledge, passion, and humor, we'd love for you to travel with us. I have studied under and worked with some of the very best historians (including the late Dr. Stephen Ambrose), geographers, and chefs, which is why I have the utmost confidence that we can offer the perfect tour, impeccably appropriate and reflective of every place we travel. The joy is in sharing so much of that with people who are willing to trust us with their money and precious vacation time.
Enjoy your tour of our site... And remember our motto: for travelers, not tourists. There's a world of difference.
Sincerely, David Campbell, GBC Tours CEO/Founder